Augmented Reality or Virtual Reality?

This is IC Sanguinetto’ s reality!

Immagine profilo

da Segreteria

del venerdì, 21 giugno 2024

As we know, teachers are always involved in a lifelong learning process, they are continuously looking for new ideas and tools, in order to motivate students and get them to know and acquire new skills and abilities.
Lately, at IC Sanguinetto, some teachers have started a new journey through virtual reality, they have experienced virtual tours and seen 3D images with super modern visors.  
To explore the different possibilities and tools of this new reality, they have “professionally” enjoyed trips to Dubai, Egypt and London, they have met dangerous sharks and they have travelled through North Pole glaciers, comfortably seated at their desks. 
The next step of this amazing course will be the most difficult and creative one: the brave teachers are supposed to develop their own virtual project from scratch!! Will they succeed?
Anyway… The reality is that great teachers have no boundaries and they always put themselves out there for their beloved pupils. Virtual or Augmented… This is the only true Reality we know in our school…